Tuesday, July 20, 2010


There have been many things I have felt the urge to complain about since I have moved to Thailand. They are mostly complaints about how the classroom is ran and the disorganization, etc. But, the other day I realized that I am actually spoiled. I have heard of foreign teachers not having any translators at all in their classrooms and I got to experience that first hand. Both Ann and Tuk were gone and I basically had to fend for myself! I don't think I have ever been so frustrated in my life! It was very overwhelming and exhausting!
One of our students parents own a fantastic resturant (and they have a picture menu so I can just point even though I don't know what it is and it's not in English!). Since the first time we went they have never let us pay. We always feel bad and leave money anyway. Without a doubt, every day after we eat there, we get bakery goods or fruit or some little treat from them when they pick up their student from school! Again, the kindness and hospitality I have felt in Thailand is heartwarming.
I'm going to throw in some random pictures so you don't get bored!
This farmer was grazing his cattle right across the road from my house.
Well, the lonliness finally set in...and it has not been fun for me. I read this short book by Lynn Miller, who is well known in the Mennonite Church and I just wanted to point out a few interesting points from his book. He said that we should take vacations as short term volunteer service opportunities. I like that concept because we can still get out and see some of the country or world and learn so much about other people and help them by giving of our time; one of our most precious commodities. Lynn said that in the book of James it talks about how to be complete you need to have trials, troubles and stuggle in order to develop and grow. I have come to realize that I haven't had a hard life at all. Even when I complain about things here I  realize that they just seem tough sometimes because of my lack of trials and tribulations I've had in my life so far. When I reflect, I realize I have shelter, food to eat and I'm not physically struggling, so it can't be that bad right? It's just emotional and mental struggle that I feel now....which is not something I would wish on anyone. It's a discouraging feeling to feel all alone with no one to talk to....that isn't a million miles away! I spend too much time alone with my thoughts...and over think things. So to try to get over it, I'm just trying to work constantly...even for a few hours when I get home from work after supper...which has now lead to a different sort of feeling...where all I do is work and sleep and that I'm not truly enjoying myself. I'm hoping this is just a bit of a rut while I'm getting over the half way point.
These are the stands that you see set up everywhere; they line the streets.  I still don't understand that even when these ladies are in the shade, they are fully covered and have their face masks and hats on! I would die from heat exhaustion!
So I finally figured out the population of Singburi! 19,470...which is way bigger than I thought because it doesn't feel that big. This is why I've been trying to take my motorbike and cruise around out into the country side and through the town so I can get to know it a bit better. I had an interesting conversation with James on my way to pick up my work permit (finally after 6 months of being here!). We got on the topic of global warming some how...and he is not completely sold on it he said! He said that people in Thailand feel like it's getting hotter because there is getting to be more and more AC and because there are alot less trees (for shade) because of more cement being put down. Interesting point I thought. I told him that regardless of whether the severity of global warming is being exaggerated, there are still alot of good steps being taken to reduce waste and help the state of the globe. He agreed.
Here are some students at lunch time paying their respect to Buddah.

Phonetics is something that you really have to stress when teaching English as a foreign language. Especially to a people with a language that don't have some of the sounds that we have. The Thai people say there "r's" like "l's" and vice versa. So when you say Singburi, it almost sounds like Singbuli. I had the hardest time getting my 1st graders to make the "th" sound, like in Math or three. It seemed they could only do "s" or "f" sounds. I feel I made the "th" sound roughly 50 times and ended going around individually to each student to hear them say it and try to correct them!
This one is of my students working so diligently on a Math activity!
For the first time since I've been here I went to church. The computer teacher at school has a husband who is a pastor. I knew I wouldn't be able to understand much of anything, but I thought I'd give it a shot! Klu Kheng didn't come with because of something a man in the church said to her. It saddens my heart to hear the things that "Christians" say to each other and the things they do sometimes. There were only 22 people in this little room. I introduced myself and then they prayed for me. They sang many, many songs, read numerous scriptures (which I was able to follow along because Klu Kheng gave me her English/Thai Bible), a few times of prayer and a short message. During one of the songs (which were all unison), I heard a girl behind me break out some harmony and it warmed my soul! I did have a man sit next to me who translated a few things now and then. I'm not sure what denomination this church is, but I thought it might be neat to be a sister church to them and support them, get them Bibles and help them increase their congregation.
At Klu Khengs house she showed me her piano (electric) and a few books she had. One was a hymnal and when I paged through it there were many songs that we have in the Mennonite hymnal! I thought maybe one Sunday I could play some hymns for them! Klu Khengs daughters are named Alpha and Omega. Whenever I go into her computer class, she always brings up God and being a christian. She said to me, I understand that I need to have patience and that God doesn't answer my prayers right away. It's always an interesting and good time to chat with her.
Here are some pictres of some temples I went to visit.

This is what some of their tombs look like or what they use when people die.

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