Friday, January 15, 2010

My new school: Anuban Singburi School

Thursday & Friday we were at our new school. We weren't supposed to be there yet, but they really wanted us to start, so we had to miss some of our culture week activities, which I was a bit sad about. But, I'm here for the kids...that's what I have to keep remembering. (It's not all about me!)  The past 2 days, we did alot of observing. Cailin and I did get to introduce ourselves and teach them a few phrases in English and had them practice to one another. I have had a few moments of tension and nervousness within myself...I think because I don't understand yet what kind of task it is that I will be trying to take on. Dealing with the language barrier, the different teaching style, and the fact that I'll be teaching 1st graders. Basically all of my experience thus far is with middle school kids; that is where I feel most comfortable. With my middle school kids I taught, they got out of control, but they were old enough to know that they were supposed to sit and behave and listen. The observing I've done in this classroom, I've realized, these kids are soo young, and you cannot expect them to sit still for long periods of time, or to be completely quiet. That will be hard for me.

I don't know if their regular teacher now has been teaching for a while, but it doesn't seem as though she has control of the class. I understand everyone has slightly different teaching styles, but I don't see how hers are conducive to keeping the class in order. Also I couldn't believe it when they pulled out a microphone! I feel that is not a good sign when you have to pull out a microphone just to be heard!!
James, the guy who has been helping us out at the school, keeps saying, you can't force learning...we don't think that kids should be sitting in their desks totally quiet and still. I agree, but I still think there needs to be some control, and some times where the kids are sitting totally quiet, listening. 

I find it amazing how similar the goals, expectations, standards, and learning objectives and almost identical to the ones that I was familiar with in the Sioux Falls district. Like I said earlier, I think that how they run their classroom is different and how they come to reach those goals might be different.  Something else that James stressed, about how they try to function at this school, is that in the classroom, you must be able to show the students how the knowledge you are trying to pour on them, will connect to their daily lives. I have learned that in my studies and teaching experiences thus far. If kids don't see a meaning and purpose and connection for the knowledge you are teaching, they don't care, and chances are they won't remember the information either. I also agree with him when he said it is very important to integrate music, sports, and other student interests into the lesson plans.  Again, it will give them that connection that is vital to learning.

We also got to see the accommodations that they are providing for us....which I was quite nervous about. I mean, I'm all about simple living...but I still like to live in a clean, semi-nice surrounding! The outside looked quite nice! I was excited! Inside, was a bit of a different story! It was just a bit dirty, and dusty. The lady that was with us, must have notices the dust as well, and said that she will come in with some people to clean it over the weekend. I also asked if there were any chairs, or a table, or silverware, plates, etc. They said they would get us a new table and chairs, and more silverware and plates if we wanted.  We have a TV, and there is this lovely, large, WOODEN couch for us to sit on! We do have hot water for our showers...but I don't really know how much I'll use that. I'd take AC over a hot shower any day here! But it's kind of cool that we have a whole house to ourselves! And it's in a very nice part of town....I mean, extremely nice compared to ALOT of parts of town I've seen in this area. Alot of really nice houses around us.

After they took us to see our house, they showed us this pool that is about a 2 minute walk away. This pool is gorgeous...I'm talking, straight out of a movie or something! Because this pool is soo nice, I figured that it would be really expensive, but it's only 50 baht, which is about $1.60.  There are also tennis courts right next to the pool if we fancy that.  So, we move into our new place on Monday, which I'm very excited about, but I will be sad to leave our friends at the Ecohouse. We don't have any friends in Singburi, so it will probably be hard for the first few weeks. Hopefully we can meet some other young teachers our age, that possibly even speak english!   


  1. Keep posting! It's fun to hear about your experiences. Hope you're doing great!

  2. Cute kiddos! Sounds like you will have your hands full! What subjects will you be teaching? Good luck with crowd control!

  3. Congratulations! For some reason, you're the number ONE (out of 1,400!) result on a google search for "cooking classes Singburi". You must be doing something right!

  4. You're also number two for "singburi teaching"!
