Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The 5 Precepts

I believe I touched on the 5 Precepts in an earlier blog but I had some more pictures that I wanted to share that dealt with these Precepts.  To review the 5 Precepts:  1) Abstain from killing or harming living beings. 2) Abstain from stealing. 3) Abstain from improper sexual conduct and adultery.  4) Abstain from lying, impolite speech, setting people against each other, gossiping, and backbiting. 5) Abstain from over intoxicating.  A person who can do these things is with Sila, or virtue.  Following are pictures from a mural from a temple that we visited.  The pictures depict things that will happen to you if you do not follow these 5 Precepts.  Some of them are a bit gruesome...but I think the point still stands clear...follow these simple rules to avoid destruction.  (Don't worry, there will be some happy ones at the end!)

Now if you are good and you follow the 5 Precepts, you will find Sila and be a virtuous person, as depicted in the following pictures.

So, the choice is yours! Which pictures look better to you!!!
I find it very interesting how the 5 Precepts seem pretty close to the 10 commandments.

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